A state senator in Pennsylvania wants to pass legislation naming the Pennsylvania Long Rifle as the state’s official firearm. Report here.
While I think that such legislation is silly, I otherwise don’t have any objection to it. Some, however, do:
[O]opponents say the idea of designating a state firearm is unthinkable, especially since Pennsylvania cities are scarred by gun-related crimes.
Said opponents are not named in the article, nor is their reasoning — such as it is — explained. How does naming a historical, blackpowder, single-shot, longer-than-four-feet-long rifle as the state’s official firearm have anything to do with violent crime? Whoever these opponents are, they need to unbunch their panties.
There are official state flags, state birds, state flowers, state mottos, and other official state things. I don’t see it at all silly to designate a state rifle especially considering exactly how much the rifle had to do with the formation of said state and of our country. I think it a patriotic gesture that supports the RKBA.
All the best,
Glenn B