
One of the great things about the internet is that it allows for fast, easy exchange of information with little regard for borders, censors, or other restrictions. Things like YouTube, blogging software, and effective search engines have allowed for some incredible content to be created and shared with others.
Unfortunately, it’s also resulted in kooks, who generally were shunned by real-world society (though there are a few real-life kooks, including a few “END IS NIGH”-type crazies wandering around the university with their signs), coming out of the woodwork. Take, for example, the crazy sprinkler lady — a look at her profile and the other videos seems to indicate she’s a bit of kook. Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of science can easily see her various claims are utter bunk, yet she persists against all odds: clearly anyone trying to present an alternate opinion or use science is part of whatever conspiracy she wants to uncover.
In general, YouTube commenters are dumber than a bag of rocks and seriously make me weep for the future of humanity, but some just take the cake. For example, today I received a comment on one of my YouTube videos that (a) asked what aftermarket magazines I recommend for the Ruger 10/22 rifle, and (b) mentioned that the individual had found the “fastest” 10/22 full-auto conversion kit and to see the commenter’s profile for the video. Curious, I looked at the commenter’s profile, viewed the video, and was impressed by the cyclic rate of the rifle. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary, so I replied to the comment and recommended a brand or two of magazines. The user replied via private message and then offered to sell me 10/22 full-auto conversion kits, to which I replied that since the machine gun registry is closed and I’m not a Class II manufacturer, I have no desire or legal ability to make such guns.
The user then replied via private message on YouTube with a multi-page message (see below the cut) that said that AIDS is a real-life “zombie virus”, claims to have been given “military intelligence” on the topics, quotes scripture to me, and recommends a variety of different firearms for anti-zombie purposes. It was incoherent enough to suggest that the user believes it and is also a total kook, rather than someone posting it for humorous or satirical purposes. I replied, politely expressed my disinterest and asked that they not email me. They then started posting comments on my other videos calling me a kook. Go figure.
Some days, I wonder how people like this can actually figure out how to get dressed in the morning, let alone work at a productive job to afford various living expenses. The message was so rambling and incoherent, I seriously wonder how they can function in normal society. Even more frightening is the fact that they likely vote with more fervor and regularity than your average person.
I’ve posted the kook’s message below the cut, but have “encoded” it using rot13 to prevent search engines from picking up on it, associating me with such content, and driving more kooks here. Just go to the rot13 website and copy-paste the text below into the field to “decode” it.
V unir qbar zhpu erfrnepu naq unir orra tvira zvyvgnel vagryyvtrapr ba guvf znggre:
Gurer ner qvssrerag inevrgvrf bs “mbzovr” qvfrnfrf; fbzr znxr crbcyr yrgunetvp naq fbzr znxr crbcyr ntterffvir. Znal oynpx Nsevpna crbcyr unir orra xvyyrq ol gur NVQF “mbzovr” qvfrnfr. Gur 1960’f zbivr ‘AVTUG BS GUR YVIVAT QRNQ’ jnf n jneavat bs jung jnf tbvat gb unccra gb znal crbcyr va Nsevpn.
Lrf, vg vf n ernyvgl; gur NVQF ivehf vf n glcr bs aba-ivbyrag “mbzovr” qvfrnfr. Vg jnf perngrq ol gur H.F. Qrcnegzrag bs Qrsrafr va gur rneyl 1970’f jvgu gur crezvffvba bs n srj H.F.N. cbyvgvpny crbcyr. Gur angheny bppheevat Oynpx Cynthr (ohobavp cynthr) jnf n xvyyvat ernyvgl znal lrnef ntb; cyrnfr erfrnepu gur fubpxvat uvfgbel bs vg. Gur rivy tbireazragf bs guvf rnegu unir orra grfgvat naq perngvat arj xvaqf bs trezf. Gurl unir abg lrg eryrnfrq gur bgure “mbzovr” qvfrnfrf.
“Sbe angvba funyy evfr ntnvafg angvba, naq xvatqbz ntnvafg xvatqbz: naq gurer funyy or snzvarf, naq crfgvyraprf, naq rnegudhnxrf, va qviref cynprf. Nyy gurfr ner gur ortvaavat bs fbeebjf.” -Znggurj 24:7
crfgvyrapr: n qrfgehpgvir vasrpgvbhf fjvsgyl fcernqvat qvfrnfr
“MBZOVR” FVPXARFF VF ERNY! Gur H.F. Qrcnegzrag bs Qrsrafr perngrq NVQF ivehf sbe gur checbfr bs “cbchyngvba pbageby” zheqre. Nobegvba (xvyyvat onovrf) jnf oenvajnfurq vagb crbcyr nyfb sbe gur checbfr bs “cbchyngvba pbageby” zheqre.
GUR “MBZOVR” FVPXARFF VF ERNY! Vg’f pnyyrq gur NVQF ivehf. Vg jnf perngrq ol fbzr rivy crbcyr va gur H.F. QBQ va gur rneyl 1970’f nf n jnl bs zheqrevat oynpx crbcyr va Nsevpn. Gur H.F. QBQ unf abg eryrnfrq gur bgure “mbzovr” qvfrnfr lrg. Jngpu gur ivqrb ‘QRNGU VA GUR NVE’ sbe zber qrgnvyf. Lrc, lbh ner evtug n ybg bs frkhnyyl rivy creiregrq crbcyr nyfb unir gur mbzovr (NVQF) qvfrnfr. Gur “mbzovr” qvfrnfr jnf tvira nf n inppvar gb fbzr znyr frkhny creiregf va gur HFN naq nyfb tvira nf n inppvar gb znal oynpx crbcyr va Nsevpn.
Gur SA C90 vf n terng pubvpr sbe xvyyvat mbzovrf, nygubhtu gur gevttre chyy vf n yvggyr urnil. Zl svefg pubvpr jbhyq or n Pbyg be Ohfuznfgre NE-15 jvgu n 14 be 16 vapu oneery yratgu. NE-15 evsyrf pna or rnfvyl pbairegrq vagb fryrpg sver shyy-nhgb. Gur nzzb sbe gurfr gjb thaf vf yvtugre guna gur byq NX-47. V unir n ZJT 90 ebhaq qehz sbe zl NE-15. Vg vf gur orfg qehz ba gur znexrg sbe gur NE-15. Vg vf zber eryvnoyr guna gur ONGN-P 100 ebhaq qehz gung gur zvyvgnel vf hfvat. N fubgtha vf gbb zrffl, vg jbhyq fcynggre gb zhpu qvfrnfrq oybbq & thgf va gur nve. *ABGR: V bayl jnag gb qrsraq zlfrys ntnvafg mbzovrf gung jnag gb unez zr. V qb abg jnag gb xvyy gur mbzovrf gung ner abg nggnpxvat zr. Guvax nyfb nobhg gur znal crbcyr abj ba rnegu gung ner fcvevghny mbzovrf (ivbyrag & crnprshy) barf. Vs lbh ner abg n gehr sbyybjre bs Wrfhf Puevfg naq unir gur jebat oryvrs, ner nyfb cneg bs bar bs Fngnaf znal eryvtvbaf, gura guvf vf gehr qrngu bs obql naq fbhy! Gur angheny zna erprvirgu abg gur guvatf bs gur Fcvevg bs Tbq: sbe gurl ner sbbyvfuarff hagb uvz: arvgure pna ur xabj gurz, orpnhfr gurl ner fcvevghnyyl qvfprearq. -1 Pbevaguvnaf 2:14
Fghql gb furj gulfrys nccebirq hagb Tbq, n jbexzna gung arrqrgu abg gb or nfunzrq, evtugyl qvivqvat gur jbeq bs gehgu. Ohg fuha cebsnar naq inva onooyvatf: sbe gurl jvyy vapernfr hagb zber hatbqyvarff. -2 Gvzbgul 2:15, 16
Lrf, nobegvba vf oenvajnfurq vagb znal crbcyr. Znetnerg Fnatre, gur sbhaqre bs Cynaarq Cneragubbq, nqibpngrq rhtravpf…. Ure cyna sbe nobegvba, ovegu pbageby naq fgrevyvmngvba nzbat gur “yrffre enprf” -Fur jnf nyfb na Nqbycu Uvgyre flzcnguvmre (Cyrnfr fghql guvf uvfgbevpny snpg).
Lbh znl abg jnag gb hfr n funec rqtrq jrncba gb xvyy ‘Qnja bs gur Qrnq’ mbzovrf (ivbyrag qvfrnfrq unys qrnq crbcyr). Gur ernfba vf orpnhfr lbh qba’g jnag gb trg gung pybfr gb gurfr qvfrnfr vasrpgrq mbzovrf. Qvfrnfrq oybbq fcynggre rgp. jbhyq trg va lbhe rlrf naq ba lbhe fxva, guhf vasrpgvat lbh. Gur orfg jrncba gb hfr jbhyq or n svernez jvgu n fvyrapre. N .22YE svernez vf n tbbq pubvpr. Gur nzzb vf irel varkcrafvir naq lbh pna pneel n ybg bs guvf irel yvtug nzzb va lbhe cbpxrgf. Nyfb lbh znl jnag gb ohl n ovb-fhvgr naq ovb-snpr znfx fb abg gb oerngu va gur mbzovr qvfrnfr jura trggvat gb pybfr gb gurz.
Urer ner fbzr gvcf ba ubj gb nibvq orpbzvat n ‘Qnja bs gur Qrnq’ mbzovr: 1) QB ABG TRG INPPVANGRQ. 2) QB ABG RNG NG NAL ERFGNHENAGF. 3) OHL N OVB-JNIR TRARENGBE & ZZF FHCCYRZRAG NF GURFR ZNL OR GUR BAYL PHERF VS LBH TRG VASRPGRQ. 4) JNGPU GUR QBPHZRAGNEL ‘ QRNGU VA GUR NVE.’ 5) JNGPU GUR QBPHZRAGNEL ‘ ORLBAQ GERNFBA ‘ (Gurfr qbphzragnevrf rkcynva snpgf ba ubj gur H.F. Qrcnegzrag bs Qrsrafr unf perngrq n glcr bs “mbzovr” fvpxarff va gurve ynobengbevrf). Gur ernfba gurl qvq guvf vf irel qvfgheovat.
“Zbfg crbcyr, fbzrgvzr va gurve yvirf, fghzoyr npebff gehgu. Naq zbfg whzc hc, oehfu gurzfryirf bss, naq uheel ba nobhg gurve ohfvarff nf vs abguvat unq unccrarq.” -Fve Jvafgba Puhepuvyy
Shaqvat sbe Qrirybczrag bs gur mbzovr NVQF Ivehf
Gur qrirybczrag bs gur NVQF ivehf jnf shaqrq va 1969 (guerr lrnef orsber gur erdhrfg sbe qrirybczrag ol gur Jbeyq Urnygu Betnavmngvba) guebhtu shaqf bognvarq ol gur Havgrq Fgngrf Qrsrafr Qrcnegzrag. Gur Qrsrafr Qrcnegzrag erdhrfgrq naq erprvirq $10 zvyyvba ivn Ubhfr Ovyy 15090, juvpu jnf erivrjrq va Urnevatf orsber gur Fhopbzzvggrr ba Nccebcevngvbaf, Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf qhevat gur Avargl-Svefg Pbaterff va erivrj bs gur Qrsrafr Nccebcevngvbaf sbe 1970.
Cneg Svir bs U.O. 15090 jnf ragvgyrq ERFRNEPU, QRIRYBCZRAG, GRFG NAQ RINYHNGVBA, fcbafberq ol Gur Qrcnegzrag bs gur Nezl, gur Nqinaprq Erfrnepu Cebwrpg Ntrapl (abj QNECN), naq Qrsrafr Erfrnepu naq Ratvarrevat.
Gur Srnfvovyvgl cebtenzf naq ynobengbevrf jrer gb unir orra pbzcyrgrq ol 1974-1975 naq gur ivehf orgjrra 1974 -1979. Gur JUB fgnegrq gb vawrpg NVQF-ynprq fznyycbk inppvar (Inppvar) vagb bire 100 zvyyvba Nsevpnaf va 1977. Bire 2000 lbhat juvgr znyr ubzbfrkhnyf (Bcrengvba Gebwna Ubefr) jrer vawrpgrq jvgu ynprq Urcngvgvf N inppvar va 1978 guebhtu gur Pragref sbe Qvfrnfr Pbageby naq gur Arj Lbex Oybbq Pragre. Gur qrirybczrag bs gur ivehf nccneragyl unq n qhny checbfr: (1) Nf n cbyvgvpny / rguavp jrncba gb or hfrq ntnvafg oynpx vaqvivqhnyf naq (2) bar bs gur cebtenzzrq rssbegf nf qr-cbchyngvba.
Gur zvffvba bs gur Fhopbzzvggrr gung gbbx cynpr ba Whyl 1, 1969, vaibyirq qvfphffvbaf nobhg Flagurgvp Ovbybtvpny Ntragf. Cneg bs gur Pbaterffvbany aneengvir (sebz U.O. 15090) vf qrgnvyrq orybj:
Gurer ner gjb guvatf nobhg gur ovbybtvpny ntrag svryq V jbhyq yvxr gb zragvba. Bar vf gur cbffvovyvgl bs grpuabybtvpny fhecevfr. Zbyrphyne ovbybtl vf n svryq gung vf nqinapvat irel encvqyl naq znal ovbybtvfgf oryvrir gung jvguva n crevbq bs 5 gb 10 lrnef vg jbhyq or cbffvoyr gb cebqhpr n flagurgvp ovbybtvpny ntrag, na ntrag gung qbrf abg anghenyyl rkvfg naq sbe juvpu ab angheny vzzhavgl pbhyq unir orra npdhverq.
Ze. Fvxrf: Ner jr qbvat nal jbex va gung svryq?
Qe. ZpNeguhe: Jr ner abg.
Ze. Fvxrf: Jul abg? Ynpx bs zbarl be ynpx bs vagrerfg?
Qe. ZpNeguhe: Pregnvayl abg n ynpx bs vagrerfg.
Ze. Fvxrf: Jbhyq lbh cebivqr sbe bhe erpbeqf vasbezngvba ba jung jbhyq or erdhverq, jung gur nqinagntrf bs fhpu n cebtenz jbhyq or, gur gvzr naq pbnfg vaibyirq?
Vg’f abg qvssvphyg gb thrff jung’f pbzvat arkg

2 thoughts on “Kooks”

  1. I know all about these nuts. It starts with when you start going after 9/11 truthers and their total level of stupidity and you get dragged into the more nutty ones. Although the AIDS thing is new to me. And I have heard more than my fair share.
    What is happening on youtube is what happens when the theories go around so rapidly and then the people with sense come back and try to explain it. The nuts won’t have any of it. And I know a few of these people personally. One thinks that every celebrity and politicians are lizards.

  2. Lizards you say? *strokes chin speculatively* Ah, yes, that makes so much sense! 😛
    I try using rudimentary physics to convey the basics of 9/11 and how the towers fell, but most people will have none of it because they don’t really grasp basic math and physics, and the kooks will have none of it because ZOMG EXPLOSIVES WERE PLANTED THERE!

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